HOBO premieres at 420 on 420
A collection of mostly unseen footage from the golden years of southeast Texas skateboarding. (Beaumont, Orange, Nederland, etc., 2007-2017ish)
Before there were any skateparks, there was HOBO—an empty concrete slab for most, but a canvas with endless possibilities for us. It became the meet up spot for skaters and bmxers throughout the golden triangle. We'd spend hours here skating, filming, and building whatever—ramps, ledges, rails. The city would come down each month to tear down everything we built. Though we never quit—it simply became a new blank slate for us to work with. It's worth noting the city did eventually build a skatepark in the location HOBO used to be. However, one thing's for certain—there was something truly special in the street skating scene at this time. Here's to keeping the streets alive.